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A matter, a substance, white or brown color usually crystallized. Comes from
sugar cane or sugar beet, it yields a thousand results. The matter retracts,
inflates, blows, crystallizes... Blown, Drawn, Pulled, all these are similar to the
glass-blowing techniques. This project was inspired around this resemblance.
The creative process develops through the technique and the search for new
components. Bordering between a chemistry laboratory and an artist’s
mailto:workshop, my research develops and questions itself. At first, The
research did on the processes for developing different materials. She classifies
the tools, test unexpected combinations and observe phenomena. The addition
of these various ingredients produces plastic phenomena that gives rise to
recipes. An environmental concern also animates this project. This allows
combines experimentation with the practice of a savoir- faire : Glass Blowing.
This involves collecting molten material from the end of a metal cane and
blowing it into the pipe to inflate the glass and shape it.
Photo credits: Léa Portay